The Bambino is a small version of our sphinx.

Its name comes for the Italian BABY. These cats keep their kitten aspect even after they become adults.

The Bambino Sphinx is the results of a deliberated cross between the Sphinx breed and the Munchkin. The result is amazing: miniature kittens without hair or with a light duvet.

This naked breed originated in 2005.

This breed has been studied lengthily for many years and it was established that it was genetically healthy. The Bambino is admissible to championships with the two principal cat associations; the T.I.C.A (recognized internationally) and the REFR. The breed is also recognized as an experimental breed with the WCF (World Cat Federation) and it will receive for the LOOF a pedigree for experimental breed RIEX.

Interesting fact: bambino cats “baby cats” really wear their names well as their appearance and their behaviour will remain the same throughout their lifetime.

Their personality is impressive. Extremely funny they like to clown around. They are joyous and very sociable. They are curious and very alert. Their small shape makes the very agile. They love to be taken as they are very interactive.

They are not a “one master” cat. They love to mingle with people.

They are mini clowns!!!

breed : Bambino
Name : Mystiquecats Pandora
Color : White
Eyes : Blue
FIV & FELV : Negative

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breed : Bambino
Name : Mystiquecats MOSAIQUE
Color : Arlequin
Eyes : Verts
FIV & FELV : Negative

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breed : Bambino
Name : Mystiquecats AZALIA
Color : Black
Eyes : Verts
FIV & FELV : Negative

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breed : Bambino
Name : Mystiquecats Black Magic
Color : Black
Eyes : Green
FIV & FELV : Negative

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breed : Bambino
Name : Bambinosphynx Naustradamus
Color : White
Eyes : odd eyes
FIV & FELV : Negative

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  Name: Tiffany
Breed: Bambino
Born: 12-07-2013
Sex: Female
Color: Blue tortie
Eyes: Blue

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