Breed : Bambino
(Sphynx miniature)
Born : January 2016
Sex: Female
Colr: Black
Eyes: Green
Price: 1,800$


  Breed : Elf Cat
Born : January 2016
Sex: Male
Color: Seal point
Eyes: Blue
Price: 1,500$


  Breed : Elf Cat
Born : January 2016
Sex: Male
Color: chocolat point
Eyes: Blue
Price: 1,500$


  Breed : Bambino
(Sphynx miniature)
Born : January 2016
Sex : Female
Couleur : chocolat point
Eyes : Blue
Price 1.800$


  Breed : Elf Cat
Born : November 27, 2015
Sex : Female
Color Tabby
Eyes : Green
Price : 1,625$



  breed: Elf Cat
Born 05-04-14
Sex: Male
Color: White (pink)
Eyes: Odd eyed
Price: 1,600

Cliquez moi! 


  breed: Elf Cat
Born 05-04-14
Sex: Male
Color: White (pink)
Eyes: Odd eyed
Price: 1,600$

Cliquez moi!

  breed: Elf Cat
Born 21-03-14
Sex: Male
Color: Black
Eyes: Green
Price: 1,500$

Cliquez moi!

  breed: Bambino
(Sphynx miniature)
Born: 20-02-14
Sex: Female
Color: white (pink)
Eyes: Blue
Price: 1,500$
Cliquez moi!


  breed: Bambino
(Sphynx miniature)
Born: 20-02-14
Sex: Male
Color: white (pink)
Eyes: Blue
Price: 1,500$

  breed: Bambino
(Sphynx miniature)
Born: 20-02-14
Sex: Male
Color: white (pink)
Eyes: Green
Price: (contact for detail)

  breed: Elf Cat
Born: 21-03-14
Sex: Female
Color: Grey
Eyes: Gold
Price: 1,500$



The cost of adoption is variable.

All of our kittens are spayed and neutered before they leave. Neutering is done at around 12 weeks and the kitten must weigh at least 1kg or more). Neutering prevents the development of sexual hormones and the side effects linked to it such as marking the territory for males and for female behavior during breeding periods)

They are vaccinated 2 to 3 times.

Treated for worms 2 times.

They can also be declawed, at the same time as their sterilisation, by laser in order to limit pain, bleeding and swelling).

A microchip can also be implanted by our veterinarian.

A Starter kit is also provided (Royal Canin)

Your first veterinarian visit is also free at our resource clinics.

14 day warranty against viral and parasite infections such as:
• Panleucopenia,
• Rinhotracheitis,
• Calicivirus,
• Feline Leukemia (FELV)
• Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV or feline AIDS)

G2 month warranty on congenital disease (disease or birth defects not present at birth) and hereditary (disease of birth defects genetically transmitted by the parents).

Our kittens are fed with Royal Canin (kitten formula) or with MEDI-CAL High Energy (also by Royal Canin sold and recommended by veterinarians.

Advice: The kitten leaving the cattery must not change their food during the first weeks of its new life in order to avoid digestive problems such as diarrhea, vomiting of anorexia).



©2014 Mystique cats & Webdesign Passion Feline. ownership contents and graphics. Distribution and reproduction prohibited. The photographs featured on this web site are owned by their respective authors.