The Elf Cat (ferry cat) is introduced as a Sphinx with different characteristics. This new variety’s specificity is the curved ears. It is born from a deliberate mix of the Sphinx and the American Curl. Result: a naked cat with curved ears. It is a very interesting result as it creates a unique appearance!! When they are bred, there is no danger to the health or well-being of the Elf Cat.

Overall, Elf Cat are healthy and free from genetic weaknesses.

The Elf cat is accepted by T.I.C.A. (recognized internationally). They are recognized, in exhibition, as Sphinx with new features. This race was established in 2007 in the United States.

They are still very rare in Quebec but interest and excitement growing around this new breed of the Sphinx with this new look is international!!!

The Sphinx cat and the Elf cat share the same physical characteristics combined with the curved ears gene.

Elf Cat are bred to ensure the best qualities of the breed. They are intelligent, friendly, sociable and very affectionate. They are very active but gentle. Elves will prosper with human attention.

They need a lot of love and your arms to cuddle them...

breed : Elf Cat
Name : Arc-En-Ciel
Color : White
Eyes : Odd eyes
FIV &  FELV : Negative

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breed : Elf Cat
Name : Mystiquecats Éclipse
Color : Noire
Eyes : Gold
FIV & FELV  : Negative

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breed : Elf Cat
Name : Mystiquecats Océane
Color : Seal Mink
Eyes : turquoise/aqua
FIV &  FELV : Negative

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breed : Elf Cat
Name : Aquarelle
Color : Seal Mink
Eyes : Turquoise / Aqua
FIV &  FELV : Negative

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breed: Elf Cat
Name:Mystiquecats Fée-Clochette
Color: Seal point
Eyes: Blue
FIV &  FELV: Negative
now lives in Russia

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breed: Elf Cat
Name: Mystiquecats JOKER
Color: Blanc
Eyes : Odd eyed
FIV & FELV: Negative


breed : Elf Cat
Sex: male
Name : Mystiquecats Dragon
Color : White
Eyes : Odd eyes
FIV &  FELV : Negative

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breed: Elf Cat
Name:Mystiquecats Pixelle
Color: Grey
Eyes: Gold
FIV &  FELV: Negative

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breed : Elf Cat
Name : Mystiquecats Jungle
Sex: Male
Color : Lynx Point
Eyes : Blue
FIV &  FELV : Negative

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